Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.
Come out to join us and play improv games with us. No experience, no problem. Each game will be explained and demonstrated. This is a participation event and not a performance, so you are encouraged to join in but not required to.
Donations greatly appreciated! If you are able/willing to donate 5 – 9 – 11 … lari? dollars? gold bricks? stuffed animals? (please do not donate any live animals) it would be greatly appreciated. If you aren’t, that’s okay too! We’ll love your company and participation either way! Also be sure to try one of the locally sourced lemonades or other refreshing drinks offered by the fantasic staff at Lokal.
*** Please, do not bring any outside drink as this establishment sells liquid refreshments. Food is okay to bring.
*** The venue reserves the right to take photos of the event for use in promotional material.
*** Please leave all weapons of mass destruction at home or in some other safe location. The venue will not accept custody of such items while you participate in the improvisational theater games.