Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.
ქართული ქვემოთ ↓↓ Free to Attend | დასწრება თავისუფალია In collaboration with Tbilisi Polyglots - LOKAL invites you to this fun engaged Language Mixer. We're going to mix things up and have some fun with our NEW Language Mixer. We are curating a fully engaged fun evening surrounding languages. Have ideas? Let us know in […]
ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it is spoken - in a casual and fun way. Anyone is welcome to join - even complete beginners! ---------------------------- Payment is by donation ---------------------------- Suggested […]
ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ It's happening - every other week - at LOKAL. Crypto Club is the event to join to share tips, talk the talk, and geek out on all things CRYPTO! This week we will kick-off with a short session on Algo Trading (https://fb.me/e/20bbMithr) Any Level welcome to join, from beginners to the heavy […]
იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure out your life but we can teach you board games, and that's almost as good! Come to LOKAL Tbilisi's beautiful outdoor space at 18:00 on […]
It's been 1 year of collaboration with Saidanaa, so we wanted to celebrate! We'd just generally like to hang out with the wonderful community that we've been lucky enough to become a part of. Come by for a free bagel on us, check out our minimarket stocked with house-made American goodies, try some of our […]