Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.

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Pop Up Dining

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართული ქვემოთ ↓↓ What is Pop Up Dining? A pop-up restaurant is a provisional event designed to showcase culinary talents at a temporary location. ---------- The Chef ---------- We are welcoming Alex Michlin. Alex is from Israel and has been around LOKAL working on his coaching business. You may have met him in the CoWork […]

Weekly Boardgames / სამაგიდო თამაშები

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure out your life but we can teach you board games, and that's almost as good! Come to LOKAL Tbilisi's beautiful outdoor space at 18:00 on […]

Tbilisi Digital Nomad Meetup

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

For those who are new in town, welcome! Whether you're a nomad passing through Tbilisi, a digital nomad on a longer stint, or an aspiring digital nomad, you're all welcome! Join us and get to know our awesome community in Tbilisi. We think it's important to give you space to meet others so we'll be […]

Weekly Conversational Georgian with Nino

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it is spoken - in a casual and fun way. Anyone is welcome to join - even complete beginners! ---------------------------- Payment is by donation ---------------------------- Suggested […]

Georgia for Newcomers – Q&A

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

Exclusive opportunity for newcomers to Georgia to sit down in a casual environment with knowledgeable community members living long term in Georgia. These Georgia experts are available to answer your questions, introduce you to some of the community and help you settle into this amazing country. LOKAL is partnered with Red Fedora Diary and WanderLush […]

Weekly Boardgames / სამაგიდო თამაშები

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure out your life but we can teach you board games, and that's almost as good! Come to LOKAL Tbilisi's beautiful outdoor space at 18:00 on […]

Tbilisi Anime Meetup

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

Join us for Anime Meetup in Tbilisi @LOKAL. Anime/manga fans meeting other anime/manga fans. If you're interested in the following then this is the event for you: • Meeting new people interested in everything both sugoi and kawaii • Discussing anime and manga both new and old, and recommending new series, streaming platforms, resources etc. […]

Tbilisi Anime Watch Party: A Silent Voice

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

A Silent Voice. Director:Naoko Yamada Writer:Reiko Yoshida Release Date Oct 20, 2017 After being bullied mercilessly, a grade school student transfers to another school. Years later, one of her former tormentors sets out to make amends. "As beautifully crafted as it is powerfully written, A Silent Voice looks at teen bullying from a soberingly hard-hitting […]

Weekly Conversational Georgian with Nino

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it is spoken - in a casual and fun way. Anyone is welcome to join - even complete beginners! ---------------------------- Payment is by donation ---------------------------- Suggested […]

Crypto Club – „კრიპტო კლუბი“

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ It's happening - every other week - at LOKAL. Crypto Club is the event to join to share tips, talk the talk, and geek out on all things CRYPTO! This week we will kick-off with a short session on Algo Trading (https://fb.me/e/20bbMithr) Any Level welcome to join, from beginners to the heavy […]

Weekly Boardgames / სამაგიდო თამაშები

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure out your life but we can teach you board games, and that's almost as good! Come to LOKAL Tbilisi's beautiful outdoor space at 18:00 on […]

Improv Jam

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

A mind opening experience awaits you this Thursday night Sept 29th at Lokal Tbilisi with the Tbilisi Foreign Improv Players' Improv Jam from 7pm - 9:30pm. Fun and laughter will abound as you join experts and novices alike in acting out different situations and trying new games. No acting or improvisational skills are needed, just […]

LOKAL’s cowork and colive are closed right now (for more information, please read our announcement.)

But we are still keeping the LOKAL community going with our partner events! Check out our calendar below: