Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.

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Professional Headshots

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi

Someone at some point will be seeking to do business with you via the internet. Are you looking your best? Stand out of the crowd with professionally-taken headshot and make […]

Weekly Boardgames / სამაგიდო თამაშები

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure […]

LOKAL’s cowork and colive are closed right now (for more information, please read our announcement.)

But we are still keeping the LOKAL community going with our partner events! Check out our calendar below: