???? Screening: EO (Poland)
44 Vasil Petriashvili2022 ‧ Drama/Road ‧ 1h 26m Journey of the Circus Donkey: The Screening of "EO" ???? Say whaaat?! This donkey's got more moves than we do! ???????? Get ready to […]
Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.
2022 ‧ Drama/Road ‧ 1h 26m Journey of the Circus Donkey: The Screening of "EO" ???? Say whaaat?! This donkey's got more moves than we do! ???????? Get ready to […]
What is Georgia 101? Georgia 101 is an opportunity for newcomers to Georgia to sit down in a casual environment with knowledgeable community members living long term in Georgia. These […]
Let’s raise a toast (literally) to someone or something that you are proud of the past week. Toasting is a tradition in Georgia and we wanted to bring it to […]
UPDATE: We now have reservable indoor space! Book Here: https://lokaltbilisi.com/event/private-boardgame-table/ იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Let's change the tone for this month: ???????????? Alright folks, get ready for the most exciting thing […]
ქართული ქვემოთ ⬇️⬇️ Free to Attend | დასწრება თავისუფალია FREE CoWORK DAY!! #FCWD LOKAL is super excited to announce our FREE CoWork every month First Come - Based on availability […]
ქართული ქვემოთ ⬇️⬇️ Attendance is FREE | დასწრება თავისუფალია Let's gather in LOKAL's patio and get to know one another. We have so many interesting members of the community and […]
????????????Hey there, are you ready for some egg-citing fun? ???? Because we've got just the thing to get you hopping with joy! ???? ???? LOKAL is excited to present our […]
Let’s raise a toast (literally) to someone or something that you are proud of the past week. Toasting is a tradition in Georgia and we wanted to bring it to […]
UPDATE: We now have reservable indoor space! Book Here: https://lokaltbilisi.com/event/private-boardgame-table/ იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Let's change the tone for this month: ???????????? Alright folks, get ready for the most exciting thing […]
"Red Friday" Masterclass 12:00 - 2:00pm April 14 20GEL Hop on over and join us for a cracking good time at our Red Friday Masterclass. We're dyeing to see you […]
Easter is a special time for family traditions around the world, where we gather around the table to share a delicious meal. We want to invite you to our family […]
Let’s raise a toast (literally) to someone or something that you are proud of the past week. Toasting is a tradition in Georgia and we wanted to bring it to […]