Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.

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Weekly Conversational Georgian with Nino

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it […]

Hoi An Vietnam: CoLive PopUp

Hoi An Vietnam

ქართულად იხილეთ ქვემოთ LOKAL is heading to Vietnam and we want you to join us!! ---------------------- LOKAL Pop UP CoLive Hoi An Vietnam Dates: November 1-30 ---------------------- ✨ GREAT LOCATION […]

Boardgames @ LOKAL

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure […]

Who are You? Remote Worker Meetup | ვინ ხარ?

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართული იხილეთ ქვემოთ ⬇️⬇️ Attendance is FREE | დასწრება თავისუფალია Let's gather in LOKAL's patio and get to know one another. We have so many interesting members of the community […]

November Book Swap

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

Tbilisi English Book Swap traditionally meets the first Monday of every month. Bring some books that you've finished and pass them along to a new reader, or come looking for […]

Conversational Georgian

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it […]

Hoi An Vietnam: CoLive PopUp

Hoi An Vietnam

LOKAL is heading to Vietnam and we want you to join us!! ---------------------- LOKAL Pop UP CoLive Hoi An Vietnam Dates: November 1-30 ---------------------- ✨ GREAT LOCATION ✨ Located along […]

Boardgames @ LOKAL

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Boardgames!! (Suggested donation 10GEL) In collaboration with @TbilisiGamers, we're hosting Boardgames WEEKLY on Wednesdays. Bring your own or play one of ours. We can't help you figure […]

Conversational Georgian

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

ქართულად იხილედ ქვემოთ @Nino will be joining us again for her renowned Conversational Georgian Lessons! Rather than getting bogged down with grammar and writing, we will learn Georgian as it […]

Hoi An Vietnam: CoLive PopUp

Hoi An Vietnam

LOKAL is heading to Vietnam and we want you to join us!! ---------------------- LOKAL Pop UP CoLive Hoi An Vietnam Dates: November 1-30 ---------------------- ✨ GREAT LOCATION ✨ Located along […]

LOKAL’s cowork and colive are closed right now (for more information, please read our announcement.)

But we are still keeping the LOKAL community going with our partner events! Check out our calendar below: