Lokal is currently on hiatus. For more details, see our announcement.

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Boardgames @ LOKAL

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

UPDATE: We now have reservable indoor space! Book Here: https://lokaltbilisi.com/event/private-boardgame-table/ იხილეთ ქვემოთ ქართული Let's change the tone for this month: ???????????? Alright folks, get ready for the most exciting thing […]

Masterclass: Red Friday – The making of Georgian Easter Eggs

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

"Red Friday" Masterclass 12:00 - 2:00pm April 14 20GEL Hop on over and join us for a cracking good time at our Red Friday Masterclass. We're dyeing to see you […]

LOKAL Family Easter Brunch

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

Easter is a special time for family traditions around the world, where we gather around the table to share a delicious meal. We want to invite you to our family […]

Toast Tuesdays

LOKAL Tbilisi 42 Vasil Petriashvili, tbilisi, GA, Georgia

Let’s raise a toast (literally) to someone or something that you are proud of the past week. Toasting is a tradition in Georgia and we wanted to bring it to […]

LOKAL’s cowork and colive are closed right now (for more information, please read our announcement.)

But we are still keeping the LOKAL community going with our partner events! Check out our calendar below: