A letter from Candy Treft, LOKAL’s Founder.

Whew!! It’s been a crazy ride these past 2 months. And I’ve missed you, the LOKAL community, so much! I hope that you are doing well and continue to exercise social distancing as things are beginning to open.

I’m sure that you are as anxious as I am to get back to normal, which means reopening LOKAL Tbilisi CoWork. However, I don’t want to rush it. My primary objective right now is to ensure your safety at LOKAL, which in turn will lead to its continued success and involvement with the community.

But, I could really use your help in making some decisions! Your feedback on this quick 5-minute survey will give me some insight on what’s important to you.
When Will LOKAL Tbilisi CoWork Reopen?

You might be asking: When will we be reopening LOKAL Tbilisi CoWork? Trust me, we want to see you, too! I have a target reopening date of June 29, but this could change. I know we’re all ready to get together and excited that things are finally opening up, but I want to make sure that LOKAL reopens with the ability to keep your health and safety as our top priority!

Thank you for being a part of LOKAL!
We miss you but will see you soon!!